Mei Fern has 25 years’ experience advising private and public sector clients on mergers and acquisitions and complex commercial contracting, with particular expertise in energy (including renewable energy and oil and gas), infrastructure, technology and transport sectors.
She advises on foreign inbound investments and divestments, the establishment of joint ventures, significant outsourcing contracts (including contracting with the Government), and the introduction of new technologies.
Mei Fern is experienced in stakeholder management, having worked on various high profile and sensitive projects. She provides expert advice in major procurement and tendering processes, including responding to Government tender processes and advising on unsolicited proposals.
She co-authored The Energy Regulation and Markets Review (2nd ed) and the New Zealand chapter of the Chambers & Partners Renewable Energy Guide 2024: A Global Practice Guide. She is also the lead editor of Russell McVeagh's popular Energy Blog, which puts a spotlight on the energy sector in New Zealand.
She also advises on a full range of Board and statutory risk management and governance matters, and holds the GAICD qualification with the Australia Institute of Directors and is a member of the Institute of Directors.
Mei Fern held positions as:
- (Acting) General Counsel for a significant Crown Entity (2014-2015).
- Independent Member on the Capital and Infrastructure Board Committee for Health NZ Te Whatu Ora (2022-2024).
- Director of Crown Infrastructure Partners, a Crown-owned company investing in infrastructure (2022-ongoing).
- Russell McVeagh Board member (2018-2022).
- Advisory board member for Totum Limited (a software as a service provider in the oil and gas sector).